Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Jamaican Ingredients That Are Super Healthy

Blame it on the pressure of getting great gym selfies or newfound motivation to stay healthy, a large chunk of our population is getting more aware of what they put in their mouths and its impact on the body. With Jamaican food, you get super healthy ingredients without compromising on taste and flavor. Talk about the best of both worlds! So, we are here to break down four staple Jamaican ingredients that are super-duper healthy for you. 


When it comes to lean meat that is packed with protein to feed your muscles, nothing beats the age-old chicken. Some of the most loved and authentic Jamaican dishes feature this beauty and brings out the best of the lean meat by packing it with flavor. Be it the Jamaican Jerk chicken, brown stew chicken or curry chicken, go for the milder white jerk chicken from Chicken restaurant Frederick MD. Brown stew broils the chicken slowly, which releases nutrients into the yummy gravy to soak while tenderizing the meat. Curried chicken, on the other hand, features a significant dose of turmeric whose potent anti-inflammatory, medicinal, and antioxidant properties are shaking the medical world today.

2.Scotch Bonnet 

This bright red, vivid yellow, orange or green pepper grows widely in the tropical lands of Jamaica and features in most of their dishes. The secret behind its fame happens to be its unique fruity taste with a subtle smoky flavor while packing a punch of spicy goodness all at the same time. It packed with vitamins A, K, and C, which makes it a great immunity booster. Capsaicin is an antioxidant that gives these peppers a vibrant color and a good dose of antioxidant benefits. The iron and copper content in the peppers aid in the manufacturing of new blood cells within the body. 


Jamaican cuisine is incomplete without the mention of the infamous dish of oxtail with butter beans. While you might put off this dish because of its rich fat and carbs content but has great wholesome goodness. Collagen, keratin, and elastin are components that make our skin and hair and impart elasticity and suppleness. Oxtail is abundant in these nutrients, which break down with the slow cooking process, making it even easier for the body to absorb. It is also rich in selenium, which aids in depleting the risk of degenerative diseases. 

4.Ackee Fruit

Ackee and saltfish is the national dish of Jamaica, a new ingredient which is dreaded by many. Ackee has garnered the reputation of the “deadliest fruit” die to its inedible shiny black seeds. However, the Jamaicans are an expert at preparing this fruit and turning it into a delicacy that will make you salivate. Ackee is also packed with fibers that aid in better digestion and feed the healthy gut bacteria. It also has several essential fatty acids like stearic, linoleic, and palmitic acids, which are known to improve heart health. Its rich calcium content supports bone health. 

So, if you are looking for a healthy and tasty meal, then you must try Jamaican restaurant near me for a pleasantly surprising experience.


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